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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy or CBT is a form of psychotherapy. CBT is an evidence based psychological therapy recommended in NICE guidance as a first line approach for the treatment of Anxiety, Depression and PTSD. CBT uses a practical, experiential approach to develop alternative thinking patterns and behaviour to reduce feelings of Depression, Anxiety and PTSD.

Introduction Video

Introduction Video Within this brief video I explain how I can help you with CBT if you are experiencing difficulties with Depression, Anxiety or PTSD and how you can get in touch if you would be interested in working together.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Within this 5 minute video I explain what PTSD is, how this links to memory processes and how you can get in touch if you would be interested in working together.

Depression & CBT Video

Anxiety & CBT Video

Depression & CBT Within this 10 minute video I explain what Depression is, why we experience depression and how CBT can help if this is something you are experiencing.

Anxiety & CBT Within this 10 minute video I explain what Anxiety is, why we experience Anxiety and how CBT can help if this is something you are experiencing.


What CBT Can Help With

CBT can help you if you are experiencing difficulties with: Agoraphobia, Body Dysmorphia Disorder (BDD), Depression, Emetophobia, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Illness Anxiety, Loss and bereavement, Low Self-Esteem, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic, Perfectionism, Phobia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Rumination​, Social Anxiety, Stress, Tokophobia, Trauma, Trichotillomania. I am experienced in applying CBT to these areas and supporting individuals who are experiencing them.

You may be unsure if CBT can help, how it may be able to help, you may also be unsure if I am the right fit for you. I would be happy to explore if CBT is right for you and answer any questions you may have. I therefore offer a free 20 minute initial consultation. This will enable us to start to explore what you would like some support with, answer any questions you may have and to consider if we can work together. It is important that you are able to engage in a therapy and with a therapist that is the right fit for you. There would be no pressure for you to commit to further sessions following the free 20 minute consultation. To arrange a free 20 minute initial consultation please email directly or complete my contact form below.

What you can Expect

I have included the following to give you an idea of what you can expect from CBT. I am mindful that as individuals we can differ in what we feel able to share there is no expectation for you to share anything you do not feel comfortable to do so.  There may also be some variation in the pace of the sessions and more/ less time may be needed for particular stages of the therapy work we do together.  


Once we agree to begin working together we would then complete 1-2 assessment sessions. At the assessment stage the focus is around exploring themes and patterns connected to your problem. Specifically triggers, emotions, thoughts, feelings, behaviour. We would also explore the duration and the development of the problem.


Our initial therapy sessions will be used to develop your individual formulation. A formulation is designed to aid understanding around how your problem may have developed and what is keeping it going. The formulation will also be used to guide the therapy, we will explore the therapy goals you have and develop a therapy plan. I can provide information around the theory that underpins CBT and the evidence based strategies. In CBT there is a strong emphasis on experiential learning to promote cognitive and behavioural change which would be modelled in the session. Home practice would then be designed and completed between the sessions to embed the learning.


We would work collaboratively to implement the strategies, navigate any setbacks and celebrate the successes. 

The number of sessions required differs person to person, I would aim for us to agree this together based on your specific problem and needs. 


Online appointment: Tuesday (1 - 5 pm), Wednesday (9 - 1.30 pm) & Thursday (9 - 5 pm)

In person appointment Taunton, Somerset: Tuesday (9 - 1 pm) & Friday (9 - 1.30 pm) 


Free 20 minute Introductory Appointment (available to book online please click here

£85 Assessment Appointment 50 minute (available to book online please click here) 

£85 per 50 Minute Therapy Appointment

£110 per 90 Minute Therapy Appointment (recommended for some elements of PTSD and Social Anxiety)

Contact Me

Thanks for submitting!

Eve McIntyre

Somerset, England


Telephone: 07863 228 415

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